15 Conversation Starters Guaranteed to Work at Parties

15 Conversation Starters Guaranteed to Work at Parties
Russel Wilson and Ciara | Dating App

You’re 200 cold approaches away from the partner of your dreams. Keep reading to see how.

We’ve all been there. You arrive at a party, heart pounding a nervous rhythm against your ribs. The room seems to buzz with conversations you haven’t been invited to. But fear not, fellow introverts/socially awkward. Tonight, we’ll unveil 15 conversation starters guaranteed to crack the cocktail code and spark genuine connections. These tactics are not geared toward dating. But if you master them you’ll say goodbye to Facebook dating and the best dating apps out there.

Forget the Boring

Ditch the tired “What do you do?” and “Where are you from?” lines. These one-size-fits-all questions rarely spark engaging conversation. First impressions matter. You don’t want either of those attached to you.

Intrigue is Key

Instead, pique curiosity with a touch of mystery. Here are some conversation starters to get your social investigation underway:

  • “If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?” This playful question reveals someone’s values and hidden desires. It’s not new, but it works.
  • “What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned this week?” This sparks conversation about passions and ignites a thirst for knowledge exchange. Take notes on what they say, it’ll tell you a LOT about them.
  • “Skiing or beach vacation and why?” This will stimulate their imagination and ignite fond memories or hopeful aspirations.
  • “Teleport to any city for an hour: Where and why?” This again will stimulate fond memories they will associate with their conversation with you. It will also tell you about their interests.

Embrace the Unexpected

Sometimes, the most intriguing conversations begin with seemingly random observations. The objective of most conversations is to gather info. Striking up a convo with a stranger at a social function should be no different.

  • “When’s the last time you went an entire day without picking up your phone?” Smart phones are a big part of modern life. This question will give you insights to their level of phone addiction. If the conversation warrants, ask compare phone usage stats. “I bet my addiction is less than yours.”
  • “What’s the most fascinating conversation you’ve heard in the past week?” This shows active listening and opens the door to lively debate.
  • “If you had to pick a final meal, what would it be and why?” This is a bit macabre, but playful, so make sure to read the conversation before asking it. It’s high risk/reward, especially if you lead with it.
  • “What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?” This will tell you a LOT about the person. Be sure to keep your poker face, even if they say something truly degenerate lol.

Beyond the Small Talk

While light conversation is essential, aim to go deeper. Plus, small talk is boring, and you don’t want people to think of you as boring. That’s one of the worst first impressions ever.

  • “Have you ever been in a street fight? Did you win?” Again, this is more banter, but it will tell you a lot about the person. 9 outta 10 they’ll ask you the same.
  • “If you could become an expert at anything, what would you choose and why?” This taps into dreams and aspirations, revealing a more personal side. You’ll learn something interesting about the person. It will also open the door to converse about something they’re interested in. If you have no knowledge about their response, just nod your head and say “wow”, “awesome”, etc.
  • “I heard you’re the troublemaker in your friend group, true?” This is banter of course, so another high risk/reward question. But when it works, it works extremely well.
  • “Would you choose $5k cash or 1 Bitcoin?” Most people are unfamiliar with crypto. This would be an opportunity to frame yourself as a financial expert. Because of course, Bitcoin is worth well over $5k.

A Word of Caution

Of course, avoid sensitive topics like religion or politics, especially at the beginning of a conversation. Unless you can playfully weave them into an engaging, icebreaking cold approach question.

Incorporating Social Media

Social media is our digital, social resume. These questions will help you dig in and learn more about who you’re talking to. And maybe even give you insights to the real them.

  • “Instagram or Snapchat and why?” This is a great way to learn their social preference. Also, be forewarned, people who use Snapchat regularly have a higher likelihood of doing “sneaky links” haha.
  • “Let’s compare IG discovery feeds. I bet I’m more wholesome than you.” Don’t swap phones but show each other. You’ll both learn a lot about each other and have some fun in the process.
  • “Who’s your favorite YouTube creator and why?” This will tell you a lot about their aspirations or hobbies.
  • BONUS — “Would you prefer to be an anonymous millionaire or a clouted-up influencer?” This will give you a glimpse of how they rank money and fame against each other. Avoid people who need outside validation — clout chasers.
  • BONUS — “What’s on your bucket list you’re determined to accomplish? What are you doing to make sure you get it done?”
  • BONUS — “When’s the last time you did karaoke, and what’s your go to?”

The Art of Listening

Remember, conversation is a two-way street. Listening is much better than talking. You learn more about people by listening. Listening is an art we all should master. After all, God gave us two ears and one mouth — we should use them proportionally.

  • Actively listen: Make eye contact, nod in agreement, and ask follow-up questions to show genuine interest. If you’re smooth enough, mimicking their body movement will disarm them. That’s a psychological hack.
  • Embrace the pause: Silence doesn’t have to be awkward. Give the other person space to elaborate on their thoughts. And, DO NOT finish their sentences. That’s an L.

The Andrew Tate Trap

Social media icons like Andrew Tate often promote dominance-based conversation starters. However, these tactics can alienate potential connections. Especially from male to female.

Focus on Connection

Instead, foster a warm and inviting atmosphere. Genuine smiles, open body language, and a positive attitude go a long way. Keep it light at all costs. Even if your armpits are sweating and you feel sick to your stomach lol.

The Final Clue

Remember, confidence is key. Even if you’re nervous, fake it till you make it. The more you practice these conversation starters, the more comfortable you’ll become navigating the social landscape of a party.

With these tips in your social bag, you’ll crack the social gathering code and forge new connections in no time.

Please note:

  • This is not a “pick artist” dating hack. It’s genuinely to help you build connections with new people.
  • These tactics will work for both sexes.

However, these tactics are more effective than Facebook dating, the best dating apps on the market. Now, get out there, mingle, and live your life, interacting with new people is one of the blessings of life.