Benefits of Private Marriages and Low-Profile Partners

Why It's Better to Get Married Without Involving the State and Choosing a Partner Out of the Spotlight.

Benefits of Private Marriages and Low-Profile Partners
Iman Shumpert and Tayana Taylor

In recent news, Teyana Taylor and Iman Shumpert have finalized their divorce, as reported by Vibe. Their high-profile marriage and subsequent public separation bring into focus the complexities and challenges that can come with tying the knot under public scrutiny and state involvement.

The Case Against State-Involved Marriage

When you marry through the state, you’re not just entering into a union with your partner; you’re also bringing the government into your relationship. This involvement can complicate matters significantly, especially if the marriage doesn’t last. Generally, family law is skewed toward benefiting women upon divorce, often granting them financial benefits and majority custody of the children.

  • Legal Complexities: Divorce proceedings can be lengthy, stressful, and costly. When the state is involved, you’re subjected to legal frameworks that may not always align with your personal values or circumstances. As Vibe reported on Taylor and Shumpert’s divorce, the process can be a public spectacle, adding unnecessary stress and attention to an already difficult time. Theirs is a cautionary tale of why men with resources should avoid marrying women in the spotlight, or women aspiring to be famous.
  • Financial Implications: State-involved marriages often lead to complex financial entanglements. In case of a divorce, the division of assets can become contentious, potentially leading to financial instability for both parties. Typically, the male suffers the most financial within divorce proceedings.

The Benefits of Private Marriages

Opting for a private marriage, without state involvement, can provide several benefits:

  • Personal Autonomy: By not involving the state, couples maintain greater control over their union. They can create personal agreements that reflect their values and circumstances, rather than being bound by generic legal stipulations.
  • Simplicity in Separation: If a marriage does end, separating without state involvement can be simpler and more amicable. Couples can privately negotiate the division of assets and custody arrangements, reducing the emotional and financial toll of legal battles.

Choosing a Partner Out of the Spotlight

Marrying someone who isn’t in the public eye can also contribute to a healthier, more stable relationship.

  • Privacy and Intimacy: High-profile relationships are often subject to public scrutiny, which can strain the relationship. By choosing a partner out of the spotlight, couples can enjoy greater privacy and intimacy, focusing on their personal connection without external pressures.
  • Reduced External Pressure: Public figures often face intense pressure to maintain a certain image, which can spill over into their personal lives. A partner who isn’t in the public eye is less likely to be influenced by these external pressures, allowing for a more genuine and relaxed relationship.

Lessons from Teyana Taylor and Iman Shumpert

The public nature of Teyana Taylor and Iman Shumpert’s relationship and divorce highlights these issues. According to Vibe, the couple’s journey through marriage and divorce was highly visible, showcasing the challenges of maintaining a private life while in the public eye.


Choosing to marry without state involvement and selecting a partner who isn’t in the spotlight can significantly enhance the quality and stability of a relationship. By maintaining personal autonomy and focusing on private, meaningful connections, couples build stronger, more resilient marriages.

The experience of high-profile couples like Teyana Taylor and Iman Shumpert serves as a reminder of the potential pitfalls of public and legally complex marriages. Guys, if you’ve achieved some level of success, and are considering marriage, I urge you to explore a private union without the state’s involvement. It will result in a path to a happier, more secure union.