Feminism: A Diabolic Mask for a Wicked "god Complex"

Feminism: A Diabolic Mask for a Wicked "god Complex"
Raging Lunatic

I think feminism will fail, and here’s why. Don’t believe me? Read on, I’ll prove it.

Feminism. A word often associated with empowerment, equality, and progress. But beneath this seemingly noble facade, lies a more sinister agenda. Could feminism, in its pursuit of dismantling traditional gender roles, actually be a tool for societal destruction, disguised as liberation for women? Let’s delve into some of the potential pitfalls of modern feminism.

The Rise of the “Boss Babe” and the Fall of the Family

The “boss babe” ideal — the fiercely independent woman prioritizing career over all else — has become a feminist trope. Why do modern women celebrate having a job, paying their bills and “not needing a man”? Congratulations, you’re an adult — 1 of 250 million plus in America. Don’t get me wrong, ambition is cool, but this narrative encourages a brand of selfishness that can have detrimental effects:

  • Prioritizing Work Over Family: Women are bombarded with messages that career success is the ultimate fulfillment, neglecting the nurturing nature they’re blessed with. This leads to delayed childbearing (and the associated risks), smaller families, inevitable regret. Ionically, a woman’s accomplishments don’t make her more attractive to the men they want, generally speaking. Think about it, when is the last time you heard a man (in pursuit of a woman) reference her accomplishments? NEVER
  • The Illusion of Control: Many “boss babe” jobs offer little real control. Women find themselves climbing a corporate ladder that prioritizes profit over employee well-being. And if we’re being honest, most those jobs sputter at the mid management level. I’ve never understood why women show so much allegiance to an employer who’s actively grooming their replacement.
  • The High Cost of “Having It All”: One of the worst lies modern women believe is, “you can have it all.” Wrong. One universal truths of life is we all must make sacrifices, often many sacrifices depending on how long you live. The women who try to “have it all” inevitably experience burnout, resentment, and ultimately, wish they could hit the redo button.

Happiness at Any Cost: The Erosion of Commitment

Modern feminism often emphasizes a woman’s right to prioritize her own happiness, even if it comes at the expense of long-term commitments and family:

  • No-Fault Divorce and its Consequences: The ease of divorce, championed by some feminist movements, can lead to a devaluation of marriage vows. Children are often the casualties, losing the stability of a two-parent household.
  • The “Throw-Away Culture” Mentality: The emphasis on instant gratification and self-fulfillment can create a “disposable relationships” mentality. Commitment and compromise, essential for healthy families, fall by the wayside.
  • The Cult of the Individual: Feminism can be misconstrued as prioritizing individual happiness over the collective well-being of the family unit. Granted women are wired to be more solipsistic as the physically weaker sex. However, self-worship and individualism is what got Lucifer kicked out of heaven — undeniable parallel below.

Us vs. Them: Fueling the Gender War

A concerning trend in modern feminism is the portrayal of men and institutions as adversaries and their opposition towards authority:

  • A Culture of Victimhood: The narrative that all men are potential oppressors, and all women are victims fosters resentment and distrust. The people who perpetuate the false narrative that all men are bad are ironically worse than the claim. My position is, leave the miserable to their self-inflicted misery.
  • Hostility Towards Authority: Feminism seems to encourage a general distrust of authority figures, both male and female and institutions that exist to protect us all. I don’t believe all feminists are raging lunatic, serial protestors. But I’ve yet to encounter a mild mannered, levelheaded, modern feminist.
  • Silencing Dissent: One of the worst things you can do is disagree with feminist ideologies. If you do, they’ll rapidly accuse you of sexism and/or misogyny. A simple, benign, genuine inquiry is often enough to trigger a militant response, which is why most people silently opt out of taking them serious.

Policing Speech and Behavior: The Rise of the “Karens”

The proliferation of “Karens” — women who weaponize their outrage and entitlement in public settings — has a direct link to a warped sense of feminist empowerment:

  • Misguided Activism: Confusing assertiveness with aggression can lead to women policing the behavior of others, often in trivial matters. For some reason feminists believe it’s their duty to policy everyone’s speech. Sounds exhausting LOL.
  • Abuse of Power Dynamics: The “Karen” stereotype highlights how some women might use their perceived victimhood status to gain an advantage in social interactions. This reveals itself in many forms, false distress, fake tears and manufactured rage. Victimhood at its finest.
  • Erosion of Civility: A constant state of outrage and a culture of public shaming creates a hostile environment for everyone. Not to mention being obnoxious for no apparent reason. It makes you wonder, is feminism about creating confusion or chaos? Littlefinger said it best, “chaos is a ladder”, iykyk.

“I Can Do No Wrong” Delusion: The Perils of Zero Accountability

Believing one can do no wrong leads to a dangerous lack of self-awareness and accountability. This mindset fosters arrogance, impedes personal growth, and damages relationships, as the individual is unable to acknowledge or learn from their mistakes. It eliminates the possibility for constructive criticism, stunting development.

Human nature has both positive and negative aspects, regardless of gender. However, feminism seems to take one of two positions:

  1. Women can do no wrong, or
  2. Women have been victimized for so long that even if they do something wrong, it warranted as payback.


The purpose of this article is not to bash the people who purport being feminists. It simply outlines the negatives associated with feminist ideals. If you want to learn more about the roots of feminism, check out this article, it will open your eyes.

Interestingly, the ideals of feminism eerily align with another controversial figure from history, Lucifer.

Ezekiel 28:17: Your heart was filled with pride because of all your beauty. Your wisdom was corrupted by your love of splendor. So I threw you to the ground and exposed you to the curious gaze of kings.

  • Unwarranted pride
  • Corrupted beauty
  • Boss babe materialism

Genesis 3:16: Then he said to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.”

  • Desire to police speech and behavior
  • Desire to oppose authority
  • I know best

Isaiah 14:13–14: You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’

  • Solipsism
  • Selfishness
  • I can do no wrong

Do you see how feminism aligns with Lucifer’s persona? What do you think?