Here's Why You Should Never Pedestalize a Woman (No Simps Aloud)

No simps aloud.

Here's Why You Should Never Pedestalize a Woman (No Simps Aloud)
Bad Boys Finish First

Ladies and gentlemen, you’re a 4 minute read away from relationship enlightenment.

In the endless debate over what women really want from their romantic partners, one tendency among men has emerged as a prime offender: pedestalizing. You know the type — the self-proclaimed “gentlemen” who treat their partners like delicate, flawless queens to be worshipped on an untouchable pedestal. Or better known as SIMPS!

While it may seem chivalrous on the surface, this mindset of putting women on a pedestal is ultimately a turn-off that does more harm than good. Beneath the veil of faux respect lies a reality that makes most women profoundly uncomfortable. It’s time to unpack why pedestalizing is a dating dynamic woman do not want.

The Illusion of Perfection

At its core, pedestalizing involves projecting an idealized, unrealistic standard of perfection onto a romantic partner based solely on their gender. The woman can do no wrong — she is pure, virtuous, and worthy of endless admiration. While the truth is the polar opposite.

Except here’s the catch: No human being of any gender actually wants that kind of suffocating expectation and pressure. Women (generally) are indecisive, multifaceted individuals with flaws, complexities, and basic human needs. Not flawless deities to be worshipped from afar. Further, given the choice, most women fantasize about the bad boy who barely has time for them. But why?

By putting a woman on a pedestal, men undermine their natural leadership qualities. Research consistently shows that women prefer the “bad boy.” Why? It’s because, biologically, women are inclined to seek a capable protector and provider. To illustrate this, I polled 52 women, asking if they would prefer a “not-so-impressive” loyal man who pedestalizes them or a capable man they had to share. The unanimous choice was the capable man, or “bad boy,” who wouldn’t put them on a pedestal.

The Fragility Beneath

While pedestalizing may start from a place of seeming “respect,” it quickly devolves into a toxic cycle of control, resentment, and shattered illusions:

  • False Goddess Complex: The woman may develop an inflated sense of self-importance, leading to resentment toward her partner. Free game: ladies, please stop calling yourselves queens when you’ve never had a coronation and have zero subjects. LOL.
  • Comfortable Disrespect: She becomes comfortable disrespecting her mate (see Will and Jada).
  • Manipulative Behavior: She becomes more manipulative and controlling.

At its core, pedestalizing stems from deep insecurity and a fragile ego — traits many “soy boys” are guilty of. By placing a romantic partner on an unattainable pedestal, the pedestalizer avoids the hard work of self-improvement and confronting their own flaws, such as a lack of accountability.

The Craving for Realness

Contrary to the pedestalizer’s delusions, most women don’t actually want to be put on a pedestal. They crave a partner who sees them as complete, imperfect human beings and isn’t afraid to call them out when they’re wrong. Based on my research, many women desire to be subjugated by a man they’re into. Don’t shoot the messenger — these are just the facts.

Still skeptical? Ask yourself these questions:

  • Why is 50 Shades of Grey (and similar stories) so popular among women?
  • Why do many women enter romantic relationships with men convicted of violent crimes?
  • Why do so many women stay in physically abusive relationships?

By simping for women, you deny them the ability to be authentic. You prioritize your own desire to worship an ideal over appreciating their messy reality as fellow humans. And for most women, that’s neither attractive nor sustainable for a real relationship. Deep down, women want and desire to be dominated on multiple levels. Change my mind…

Dismantling the Pedestal

The hard truth is that nobody — woman or man — is a flawless deity worthy of being pedestalized. We’re all imperfect, complicated creatures.

So, the next time you catch yourself or someone else putting a romantic partner on a pedestal, pause. Don’t be a simp, because in the long run, it will only lead to women disliking you and relegating you to the perpetual “friend zone.” At the end of the day, women don’t want a pedestalizer; they want a dominating brute who cares about them, someone who can win a street fight and gently hold a newborn in the same day.

Long and short, be an UNDER CONTROL savage, fellas.