What Successful Black Men Want in 'A Wife'

What Successful Black Men Want in 'A Wife'
LeBron James wife Savannah James

The quest for a life partner often elicits myriad questions about what constitutes the ideal mate. Is it about physical appearance? Personality? Socio-economic status? Well, for successful black men, the attributes they seek in a wife go beyond the superficial. Let's delve into the top ten things that these high-achieving men desire in their life-long companion.

I interviewed numerous hyper-successful, multi-millionaire black men to write this article, and while the process was largely unscientific, the research revealed a few common trends. Read to the end for a clear ranking of the top 10 traits successful black men look for in a wife.

Before we get started, let’s put to rest some prevailing lies the mainstream media has tried programming modern women to adopt. It usually shocks modern women, but the truth of the matter is female accomplishments and accolades do nothing for men, it doesn’t make women more appealing and, in many cases, can do just the opposite. Reason being is being a “Boss Babe” results in masculine traits that become more and more deeply engrained in a woman with time. Eventually, the masculinity is so deeply rooted it’s almost impossible to eradicate. Men will lie to women telling them they admire their achievements to get in her good graces with the hopes of getting in other parts as well – wink. Simply put, successful black men don’t want to date a masculine “Boss Babe” with male tendencies. So, forget the nonsense people like Steve Harvey taught in his book, “Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man”. Ideals like these go against female biology and nature. Successful black men will deal with “Boss Babes” for a short spell (if she’s attractive enough) while in their head they’ll have silently disqualified her as a prospect to be his wife. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s begin. 

She is a Best Friend

A soulmate, confidante, and partner in crime—successful black men yearn for a woman who can fill these roles with ease and grace.

A wife who becomes an integral part of their life's narrative, sharing in their joys, sorrows, ambitions, and even the ordinary, often overlooked moments of life. This deep connection is built on the pillars of traditional gender roles, respect, and shared interests, laying the foundation for a love that transcends the transient nature of physical attraction. Being able to let their guard down and reveal their true selves forms the essence of this bond. She is not just a wife, but their sanctuary, their safe space. This level of intimacy allows for a profound connection where trust thrives and love blooms. In the end, her companionship becomes their solace, their haven in the rollercoaster ride of life.

Independence and Strength

A powerful attribute that successful black men find irresistible in a woman is her ability to demonstrate feminine strength. This does not mean physical strength but rather the strength of character. The strength to stand tall in the face of adversity, to assert herself when necessary, and the courage to follow her convictions. This strength radiates an enchanting aura of confidence that these men find utterly captivating.

Jasmine Tookes

Independence, on the other hand, adds another intriguing dimension to this attraction. These men respect a woman who can navigate her path, handle her affairs with aplomb, and not be entirely dependent on them. But please don’t mistake independence for the modern day “I don’t need no man” toxic independence spewed throughout Western society. These men are seeking a mate who has the type of independence that’s revealed in that she knows how to keep herself occupied (in a healthy manner) when he’s unavailable for stretches of time. A woman who is self-reliant and able to make her own decisions, but who comfortably rests in the fact that he is the final decision maker, and naturally follows his lead.

Intellectual Compatibility

A successful black man's quest for a soulmate extends beyond the physical and delves into the intellectual. He yearns for a partner who can engage him in intriguing conversations that pique his curiosity, shift his perspectives, and inspire personal growth.

Imagine languid afternoons spent delving into discussions that range from the depths of complex social issues to the implications of a profound piece of literature or the dynamics of world economics. These men seek a wife with whom they can share a spirited debate or a soul-searching conversation that ignites their intellectual curiosity. It's not about agreeing on every topic; it's about cherishing the thrill of intellectual discovery together, challenging each other's viewpoints, and evolving through these shared experiences. In a relationship where intellectual compatibility is nurtured, there’s a constant exchange of ideas that invigorate both parties, fostering an environment of mutual learnings. This intellectual harmony becomes a pulsating rhythm that drives the relationship, making it vibrant, stimulating, and truly fulfilling. After all, isn’t the meeting of minds one of the most tantalizing aspects of a strong and enriching partnership? To be clear, he’s not seeking a genius, or even a highly educated woman, he’s mainly looking for a mate who has the range to engage on a wide variety of topics.

She Offers Unwavering Support

The journey to success is often a winding road laden with unique trials and tribulations, especially for black men.

Having a partner who offers unwavering support throughout this journey is more than a desire, it's a necessity. In the throes of these challenges, they lean on their wife's firm resolve, finding strength in her unshaken faith in their abilities. She doesn't merely stand on the sidelines cheering; she is weathering the storms with them, buoying their spirits, and reassuring them of brighter days ahead. In their victories, she's the first to cheer, she takes pride in their achievements amplifying the joy of the moment. In times of defeat, she serves as their beacon of hope, a gentle reminder that failure is not the end, but a steppingstone towards achieving greatness. Her support doesn't falter, it's the steady heartbeat underlying their journey towards success, providing an unwavering pillar of strength they can rely on. This invaluable support from their life partner not only fuels their drive towards their aspirations but also serves as a testament to their shared commitment and enduring love. This mutual support system becomes the backbone of their union, fortifying their bond, and ensuring a thriving and fulfilling partnership.

She Holds the Family Together

Successful black men cherish a partner who is a linchpin of the family. They value a woman who can create an atmosphere of warmth, love, and unity in their household. Her ability to bind the family, despite the whirlwinds of a demanding career and external commitments, is seen as a testament to her strength and dedication.

She is the glue that holds the family together, ensuring that amidst the chaos, the family unit remains unbroken and strong. She is the beacon, shining through the ebbs and flows of life, providing an anchor of stability and nurturing love. A woman with the ability to weave the threads of family bonds into a resilient tapestry is indeed a treasure. Her talent for maintaining harmony, promoting love, and fostering unity becomes the fulcrum on which the equilibrium of their busy lives rest. She is the heart of the family, her influence undeniably felt and deeply appreciated. Her role is not just pivotal; it’s foundational, shaping the family’s strength, resilience, and unity. 


Change is the only constant in life. This adage rings especially true for successful black men who often navigate dynamic shifts in their personal and professional lives.

As such, adaptability in a partner is highly valued. It's about being malleable, submissive, and possessing the resilience to face new situations, trials, or opportunities head-on, and adapt to these changes with grace and determination. This trait is seen as a testament to her emotional agility and intellectual versatility, traits that are both appealing and intriguing. It's about adjusting the sails when the winds of life change direction and setting a course towards a shared destination, undeterred by the turbulent tides. Adaptability signifies a commitment to weathering life's storms together, be it a change in career, location, or lifestyle. It paints a picture of a woman who is not daunted by change but rather welcomes it as a new adventure. A woman who displays adaptability exudes an aura of strength, resilience, and an unyielding spirit, attributes that are irresistibly captivating. This dynamic nature of adaptability breathes life into the relationship, ensuring it remains vibrant and exciting, regardless of what life throws their way.

Understanding and Forgiving

In the journey of life, mistakes and misunderstandings are inevitable. Yet, what defines a healthy relationship is not the absence of conflict but the ability to navigate through these turbulent times with understanding and forgiveness.

This holds true for successful black men who deeply value a partner who is understanding and forgiving. An understanding wife provides a safe haven for them to express their thoughts, emotions, and fears without judgment or criticism. She seeks to comprehend their perspectives, experiences, while appreciating their unique journey. Her understanding nature fosters an atmosphere of emotional safety, an oasis where they can bare their soul and reveal their authentic self.

Conversely, a forgiving wife embodies an inspiring beacon of love and resilience. Even in moments of discord or disagreement, she chooses to forgive, not out of weakness, but from a place of profound strength and love. Her forgiveness does not signify approval of mistakes, but rather the decision to not let past errors taint their shared present and future. She understands that forgiveness is the key to healing and the cornerstone of a thriving relationship. In the grand tapestry of their life together, her understanding and forgiving nature weave threads of trust, respect, and enduring love, vital components that successful black men seek in a life partner.

A Generous Heart

Beyond physical allure and intellectual prowess, the essence of a generous heart is a characteristic that successful black men find truly irresistible in a wife. The beauty of a magnanimous spirit transcends mere aesthetic appeal and resonates on a deeper, more meaningful level.

When we speak of generosity, it’s not confined to the bounds of material possessions or financial abundance. Instead, it's the generosity of spirit, of time, of compassion, of emotional availability, and, most importantly, of love. It’s about her willingness to give selflessly, without the expectation of reciprocity.

A wife who can generously share her time to listen, to understand, and to simply be there when needed is indeed a treasure. Her emotional generosity, the ability to provide comfort, support, and love even in trying times, echoes the depth of her love and commitment.

These men admire a woman who can generously share laughter during moments of joy, offer solace in times of sorrow, and hold them down through life’s journey. It's about giving pieces of herself, her love, her time, and her compassion, expecting nothing in return. This kind of selfless generosity truly epitomizes the concept of a generous heart, making her an irresistible catch in the eyes of successful black men.

She Complements their Lifestyle

The allure of a woman who complements a man's lifestyle is undeniably powerful. For successful black men, this is no exception. They deeply appreciate a partner who can effortlessly blend into their world - be it their bustling social life, their ambitious professional environment, or their cherished private moments.

Chris Paul | Chris Paul wife

This doesn’t imply she needs to mirror their lifestyle completely or lose her individuality. It’s about finding the harmony between two worlds, their paths intertwining but not overshadowing one another. It's about embracing their lifestyle, understanding their world, and adding her unique touch to it. She brings her charisma, charm, and grace, infusing their shared lifestyle with an intoxicating blend of their individual strengths. Whether it’s rubbing shoulders with industry peers at a high-profile event or enjoying a quiet evening at home, her ability to adapt and complement their lifestyle, while retaining her individuality, is a truly captivating quality. It adds an intriguing dynamic to their relationship, creating a harmonious balance between their shared lifestyle and their individual identities. Her ability to complement their lifestyle not only enhances their bond but also paints a vivid picture of their shared journey, a testament to their shared love and respect.

The List

It's important to remember that each successful black man's preference is as unique as his journey.

Top 10 List

Though these ten qualities are typically admired and sought after, they don't represent a one-size-fits-all blueprint. Every woman should respect and value her uniqueness and authenticity above all else. It's this authenticity that truly captures a man's heart and leaves an indelible mark. After all, it's not about fitting into a certain mold but about celebrating your individuality while complementing his life in your special way. So, as we bring this list to a close, remember that genuine connection and mutual respect triumph over any prescribed set of attributes. This list serves merely as a guide to understanding what some successful black men look for in a wife. So be true to yourself, be genuine in your actions, and love with all your heart. It's this realness that captivates, resonates, and eventually wins the heart of the right man.